Saturday, July 16, 2011


   Last night we had the Wilkerson's over for a visit and dessert. Mr. Wilkerson is in Haiti right now for a little while. Anyway, we and the children went for a walk, worked outside in the garden for a few minutes, had dessert, then played games till it was time for them to go. I have missed them so much, so them coming over was a real treat!

On our walk
Thomas, on our weed-covered mound of dirt.
In the Garden

Dutch Blitz
They never played it before, but apparantly they liked it!

Intense players

Daniel's turn

Mary's turn

Rachel's turn

Thomas stopped and played with Chloe

James' turn
Rachel, trying in vain to keep from laughing.

Daniel, trying to make us nervous.

Playing Twister.

"Having trouble, boys?
I gave Rachel my most recent sewing project.
Perfect fit!

   Do glad you got to come over! Your visit was very special! We love you all sooooooooooo much!

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones, (Proverbs 17:17 & 22).



  1. You have done a wonderful job on the photography of Nora and Samantha!!!! and the dresses too are adorable you made!!!!wow ,you are so gifted Annah!!!! good job, and George is so sooo cute too................Thanks for this good blog . It is sooo interesting!!cant wait to keep looking at it ..I will see if i can post comment now!!love you sharon

  2. we love the dress.. you did a super good job on it for Rachel!! that was sooo kind!!the jacket is so unique and love the rick rack and color scheme!!You are a blessing!!


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